Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of Class

So the whole first week of class is "intensive Italian" meaning we are in only Italian class all day. They do this in order to get students that havent taken any Italian a some semblance of the language, as we live in a city where not everyone speaks English. I'm in the I-have-never-taken-Italian-and-I'm-scared-class which is really freakin' easy because I have already taken a year. This class is required and I am not getting any credit for it from SCU so why not just take the easy A class.

Just to update you on other things. The city is... well pretty much everything I expected. It's all stone buildings, it's churches, it's pizzerias and gelaterias, it's the epitome of what you think Italy is. I have eaten at the same pizzeria two night in a row. Why? because it's fantastic pizza and because I can. It's an awesome life.

Everyone walks slowly. That I have really noticed. I'm trying to blend into the crowd but I think the speed with which I walk really gives me away. But I think I blend in pretty well regardless. I have spoken pretty convincing Italian to most shop keepers.

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