Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Post!

Hello all! Thank you for following my blog. I plan to be concise but you know me, I like to talk. I also plan to post as much as I can but I fear that as the months go on I will begin to forget or be so lazy that I chose not to post. In the case of the latter, start bugging me to post something! I know a lot of you do not get the chance to have such a great experience so I would like to post enough that you feel you were right here next to me on all my trips!

That being said, in the words of Mario, HERE WE GOOOOO

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Cugino!

    I will be your first subscriber and yep, I may have to walk over and help your gramps (Uncle Leo) figure it out. Eat, Love and Pray....not too much love there kiddo. Journey Mercies, post and send pics. Excited for your adventure, yep a bit envious too!

    Auntie Jen :-)
