Thursday, October 3, 2013

Random Thought #5

So I walk up to my apartment door the other day and I am greeted with an unsettling sight. There is a scorpion on the wall a few inches from my door, just hanging out, being all menacing. Obviously, I begin to panic a little bit. I open my door and yell into the apartment," is anyone home? Get the hell over here now!" One of my roommates comes running over and I show him our undesirable guest. He begins to tell me about how he has seen them around before and that in Italy they are not a big deal.


It's a scorpion for Pete's sake (I'm referring to a buddy of mine named Pete, I do a lot of things for his sake)! I asked my roommate what we should do about the creature. He told me, in the words of Italian-Americans everywhere," don't worry about!" I looked down at the creature, found some mercy in my soul and left him undisturbed. But oh did I give him a piece of my mind; yelling at him for disturbing my peace, telling him to move on before his friend (my roommate) wasn't around to protect him. I...well I didn't use that calm of language, but that was the gist of my aggravated speech to the scorpion. Needless to say when I left for class a few hours later he had high-tailed [get it ;)] it outta there, heeding my strong advice.

As I walked into class I sat down and immediately raised my hand looking for some sort of answers from my professor regarding my harrowing encounter. My professor ensured me that Italians aren't bothered too much by the large population of scorpions in the area. Apparently a sting from them is similar to a sting from a bee: you don't go looking for it, but you also don't go to the hospital for it.

Following this rant I tried to provide a photo from the internet to show you what young Mr. Scorpion looked like. I immediately regretted that decision. I now look forward to a restless evening.

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